Former staff

Former staff


Dr. Erzsébet Tóth

Assistant Professor


Phone/ext.: +36 1 411 6500 / 2039
Room: Múzeum körút 4. Building B, room 109


Graduated from Eötvös Loránd University in 1980, majoring in Russian and English (MA), then in 1992 majoring Tibetan (MA). In 2009 she obtained her PhD. She has been involved in instructing students of Tibetan studies since 1992, until 2002 as an external lecturer. In 2003 she became a full-time lecturer as a junior assistant professor. In 2010 she was appointed senior assistant professor. She gives lectures and seminars on various themes of Tibetan language and culture (e.g. Classical and Modern Tibetan language, cultural history, religious history, Buddhist art, history of Tibet, Tibetan Buddhist literature). Her special fields comprise Tibetan Buddhist literature, cultural history of Tibet, history of Buddhism in Tibet, religious art; she carries out research in linguistics and in the history of Buddhism in Tibet. 


Main publications: 

  • Mdzangsz-blun – A bölcs és a balga. Klasszikus tibeti olvasókönyv. Egyetemi tankönyv. [Mdzangs-blun – The wise man and the fool. Classical Tibetan reader. University coursebook.] Budapest 1996.; 
  • Butön Rincsendrub: Buddha élete. [Butön Rinchendrub: The life of Buddha.] Budapest 1999.; 
  • Dzsingisz kán származásának leírása tibeti nyelvű történeti művekben. [Description of Genghis khan’s ancestry in Tibetan-language historical sources.] In: Birtalan Ágnes–Rákos Attila (eds.) Bolor-un gerel. 
  • Kristályfény. Crystal-splendour. Tanulmányok Kara György professzor 70. születésnapjának tiszteletére. Essays Presented in Honour of Professor Kara György’s 70th Birthday. Budapest 2005, pp. 791–806.; 
  • Mongol elemek a tibeti nyelvben. [Mongolian elements in Tibetan language.] In: Szilágyi Zsolt (ed.): Tanulmányok a tibeti és mongol buddhizmus köréből. Szerb János-emlékkötet. Budapest 2011, pp. 111–144.; 
  • The Concept of Tibetan Dad-pa (Faith) in Lam-rim (Stages of the Path to Enlightenment). In: Faith in Buddhism. Ed.: Imre Hamar, Takami Inoue. Institute for East Asian Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2016. pp. 25–37.


Dr. Alexa Péter

Assistant Professor


Phone/ext.: +36 1 411 6500 / 2039
Room: Múzeum körút 4. Building B, room 109


Alexa Péter graduated from Eötvös Loránd University in 2006, majoring in Tibetan (MA). In 2012 she obtained her PhD degree. She has been taking part in instructing students of Tibetan studies since 2001, up to 2005 as an assistant lecturer. In 2006 she became a lecturer as a junior assistant professor, then in 2014 as senior assistant professor. She gives lectures and seminars on various themes of Tibetan language and culture (e.g. Classical Tibetan language, cultural history, religious history, history of Tibet). Her special fields: various aspects of Tibetan language and culture, diverse systems of Buddhist cosmology, cultural history of Tibet, history of Buddhism in Tibet; she carries on research in linguistics and in history of Buddhism in Tibet. 


Main publications: 

  • “A bSam-yas kolostor története Sa-skya-pa bSod-nams rgyal-mtshan: A királyok származását megvilágító tükör című műve alapján.” [“The circumstances of the building of bSam-yas Monastery according to Sakyapa Sonam Gyaltsen: The Clear Mirror of the Royal Genealogies.”] In: Birtalan Ágnes–Rákos Attila (eds.) Bolor-un gerel. Kristályfény. Crystal-splendour. Tanulmányok Kara György professzor 70. születésnapjának tiszteletére. Essays Presented in Honour of Professor Kara György’s 70th Birthday.Budapest, 2005. pp. 607–620. 
  • A Bölcs és a balga gyűjtemény egy meséjének filológiai elemzése a tibeti, a mongol és az ojrát változatok alapján.” [“Philological analysis of a tale of the Tibetan Sutra of The wise and the fool according to Tibetan, Mongolian and Oirad versions”] In: Birtalan Ágnes–Yamaji Masanori (eds.) Orientalista Nap 2005, 2007. MTA Orientalisztikai Bizottság – ELTE Távol-keleti Intézet, Budapest, 2008. pp. 116–126. 
  • “Ippolito Desideri missziója Tibetben (1717–1721).” [“Ippolito Desideri’s Mission to Tibet (1717–1721)”] In: Szilágyi Zsolt (ed.) Tanulmányok a tibeti és mongol buddhizmus köréből. Szerb János-emlékkötet. Budapest, 2011. pp. 98–111. 
  • “Ismeretek Tibetről Kőrösi Csoma Sándor előtt.” [“General knowledge about Tibet before the studies of Alexander Csoma de Kőrös.”] In: Hamar Imre (ed.): Távol-keleti Tanulmányok. Volume 4. 2012/1–2. Távol-keleti Intézet, Budapest, pp. 127–147. 
  • “The Two Basic Texts on Faith in the Tibetan Bka’-gdams-pa School.” In: Hamar Imre–Takami Inoue (eds.) Faith in Buddhism. Budapest Center For Buddhist Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2015. pp. 39–49. 
  • “Comparison of Two Tibetan Compendiums on Buddhist Cosmology Dating from the 13th and 19th Centuries.” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Volume 69 (4) 2016. pp. 441–456. 
  • “Tibeti népmesék.” [“Tibetan folktales.”] Irodalmi Szemle LIX/6. (Bratislava) 2016. pp. 5–13. 
  • “Lhasza három szent hegye.” [“Three holy mountains of Lhasa.”] In: Hamar Imre–Gelle Zsóka–Kósa Gábor (eds.) Szent hegyek a buddhizmusban. Bibliotheca Buddhologica Budapestinensis. ELTE-BTK, A Buddhizmus-kutatás Központja Budapest, 2017. pp. 161–175.